Young jin Jeon is a Korean composer, theorist, pianist, and organist, currently living and working in Birmingham, Alabama. While she has been in Korea and USA, she has won prizes and received recognitions from the competitions, such as Youth Dong-A Newspaper Children’s Song, the Gang-Won Art Song, the Pusan Percussion Ensemble, the Southeastern Composers League, the Frederic Goossen, and IAWM 2014 Annual Concert Call for Works. Her works have performed throughout the world, including Oregon Bach Festival Composers Symposium, UPBEAT Summer Music Festival, Nief-Norf Summer Music Festival, Wintergreen Summer Music Festival, Czech-American Summer Music Institute, Alabama Contemporary Ensemble, Ohio State Composers’ Workshop, Young-San Art Hall Young Composers Festival, and etc. She holds degrees from the University of Alabama (D.M.A. in music composition and theory with secondary concentration in musicology), Ohio State University (M.M. in music composition), and Ewha Womans University (B.M. in music composition).